Man’s 40-Year-Old Time Capsule Really Pays Off

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A New York man is cashing in on the contents of his 40-year-old time capsule. When James Kroeger’s son, Bubba, was born on Christmas Day in 1982, he put together a time capsule. The East Amherst, New York, man recently found out that some of the items it contains might have become very valuable, so he decided to open the capsule and cash in.

The time capsule is a slice of popular culture from the early 80s and contained some magazines, vinyl records, books, and baseball cards as well as a pair of Jordache jeans, which his son says aren’t quite his style anymore. But the items that had him cracking open the time capsule were unopened VHS tapes of Rocky I, II, & III, Rocky III being a huge hit in 1982.

Kroeger has the VHS tapes listed with an auction house and he was told they could fetch as much as $25-thousand each! Bidding for the tapes is up to $10-thousand for the collection and the auction ends on Friday (2/17), so hurry up if you want to get your bid in. Kroeger plans to give the proceeds from the auction to his granddaughters, Bubba’s children, and he’s putting the time capsule away again to pull out in another 10 years.

Source: WKBW

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