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A Florida neighborhood responds to hateful flyers with messages of kindness and encouragement. In the wake of racist flyers being distributed across the city of Jacksonville, some residents are pushing back with a campaign to stop the hate with love and patience.
The hate-filled flyers warned white people to “Wake up” and “Start having white children,” and another implied that Jews were going to take over the world. In response to those messages, signs have been popping up around the area with messages like “Try love instead of hate” and “We are all in this together.”
Jacksonville resident Tim Frazer says he hopes the signs will be a catalyst for good. “It’s good to see that people are leaving notes on signs, that at least they are positive messages,” he says. “Maybe it’ll get people to think about, you know, what they’re doing with their life and how to treat other people and how to love one another.”
Source: News 4 Jax