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Strangers raise over $150-thousand for a Burger King employee who received an unimpressive “goodie bag” for 27 years on the job. Kevin Ford has worked at the Burger King in the Las Vegas airport for 27 years and, according to his daughter Seryna, has never missed a day. So a video of Kevin showing the disappointing “goodie bag” he received from the company for his decades of loyalty was understandably met with disgust.
In the video posted to Twitter, Kevin shows off the “goodie bag,” which contained a movie ticket, some candy, a Starbucks cup, lanyard, pens, and keychains he received for being with the company for 27 years. The video was viewed nearly 100-thousand times, and although Kevin seems genuinely appreciative, commenters were upset on his behalf for the cheap gift.
When the video went viral, Seryna started a GoFundMe page for her dad and wrote that he didn’t need money, “but if anyone feels like blessing him he would love to visit his grandchildren.” Within five days, more than 4-thousand individual donors had raised over $150-thousand to give to Kevin. Among the donors was actor David Spade, who gave $5-thousand and told Kevin to “Keep up the good work.”
- Burger King later released a statement saying that the brand is committed to “recognizing and celebrating the achievements” of its employees and clarified that the gift bag was just a reward for short-term positive performance and that there’s a "robust employee recognition program" for big milestones.
Source: Business Insider