Tips For Avoiding Distractions While Working Out From Home

When you’re exercising at home, does your mind start wandering? It’s easy to find yourself thinking about what to make for dinner and the dishes that need to be done instead of paying attention to your downward dog yoga pose. Being at home gives you a constant reminder of the other things you need to do, but staying in the moment helps you get the most out of your workout, both mentally and physically.

So how do you stay focused? These tips can help you avoid distractions:

  • Put your phone in airplane mode - Silencing all rings and notifications means you won’t be tempted to stop doing your cardio to check your phone every time it beeps or buzzes. It’s like a virtual “do not disturb” sign that makes it easier to give all your attention and energy to your workout.
  • Dress for success - Sure, you’re still in your living room, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t put on your cutest workout set, put your hair up and fill your favorite water bottle, just like you were going to Pilates class.
  • Choose the right playlist - Playing upbeat music can totally change your mood and focus and even help you push through the most challenging exercises.
  • Include a workout buddy - Invite a friend over to workout with you, either in person or virtually. They’ll help hold you accountable and probably make you less likely to stop in the middle of the routine to switch the laundry to the dryer.
  • Focus on your breathing - When you’re at home, you don’t have the benefit of a trainer guiding you through those inhales and exhales, so you have to do it yourself. But paying attention to those breaths helps you maintain your mind-muscle connection, as well as helping you with those painful moves and positions.
  • Sync up your workout and dishwasher - Get your workout and chores done at the same time! Find a workout that lasts as long as a cycle on your washing machine or your dishwasher so you can get in shape while taking care of stuff that has to be done. How’s that for efficiency?

Source: Life Savvy

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