Being the top student in the class is something some kids work for their entire high school career and typically, there’s only one valedictorian. But this year one Texas high school is honoring nine valedictorians graduating in the class of 2021 because they all have the same grade point average.
Bellaire High School has named Alkiviades Boukas, Daniel Chen, Evie Kao, Angela Ling, MilesMackenzie, WensonTsiah-Hao Tang, Christopher Zhou and twin sisters Annie and Shirley Zhu as valedictorians this year. All of these seniors have GPAs of 5.0, thanks to their challenging weighted courses, like AP classes and dual credit classes.
If this sounds unusual, that’s because it is. In fact, it’s the first time in the history of the Houston Independent School District that nine valedictorians have been named. So are these teens bothered by having to share the spotlight when they graduate June 13th? They don’t seem to mind. “It’s a huge honor,” Evie Kao says. “And I’m so happy I get to share it with eight other people.” Angela Ling agrees and notes, “By sharing this title with my fellow students, I’m glad that our efforts are both recognized and rewarded.”
Source: Good Morning America