Doordash Driver Gets Stolen Car & Dog Back With Community's Help

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When Albuquerque DoorDash driver Justin Miller’s Subaru was stolen last week with his nine-year-old dwarf Pitbull Audi still inside, he was anxious, but hopeful she’d be recovered. He turned to social media for help and the community responded with leads and encouraging words.

His car was recovered by the police on Saturday night, with most of his belongings still inside, but Audi was still missing. Then on Monday, a family spotted a dog and recognized her from Miller's social media posts. After some attempts, Audi was successfully corralled into a truck and returned to her grateful owner.

Miller wasn’t sure the story was going to have a happy ending, but he’s thankful for everyone in the community for their help in reuniting him with his pup, who suffered some cuts and bruises from the ordeal, but is otherwise okay. "Everyone, combined, just did such an excellent job,” Miller says, “I can't tell you how happy I am."

  • To help with his car repairs and Audi’s vet bills, a crowdfund has been set up for Miller.

Source: KRQE

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