Illinois Bans Thousands of "Offensive Terms" From License Plates

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If you’re looking to get a custom license plate in Illinois, you better consult their website first. The Secretary of State’s website allows you to type in your vanity plate request to see if it passes the offensive plate test. But be warned…the list of banned vanity plates is already 22 pages long. Plates like “BARPH,” “COCAINE,” “PEEPEE” and “UR UGLY” are all on the no-no list, as are nearly 8,000 other submissions.

Why does there need to be a list in the first place? Secretary of State Alexi Giannoulias said in a recent statement, “We love the creativity and pride Illinoisans take in choosing their personalized license plates….but a small percentage fail to meet the standards of good taste and decency and are rejected because they violate the state’s vehicle code.” But all hope isn’t lost. Giannoulias’ office says it has approved and issued almost a million personalized plates to Illinois drivers.

Source: NBC Chicago

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