Winter is coming and with that brings a whole bunch of new harsh conditions for our skin. Catherine Daniel from “BrandRelated” told “Metro UK” that “[t]he change of weather can cause dead skin cells to build up, leading to dryness and breakouts.” The good news is that you can combat this by winterproofing your skin, and here’s how.
- Switch from scrubs to acids. Polyhydroxy acids, more commonly known as PHAs, “are perfect to use in the winter because they have a large chemical structure, which means they don’t penetrate the skin too deeply and help with moisture retention,” Daniel explains.
- Add extra moisture. Your skin gets dryer in the winter due to the drop in temperature outside plus the dry, hot air from heating systems. Use heavier moisturizers and overnight masks for deep hydration.
- Use more oils. Oils help retain moisture, so switch to an oil or balm-based cleanser and/or add on oils or oil-based serums to your skincare routine.
- Don’t forget your lips. Your lips can get dried out, too! Exfoliate them and then moisturize with lip balm. Don’t just keep licking them.
- Don’t skip the SPF. Just because the sun isn’t as strong during the winter doesn’t mean you don’t need SPF. UV rays still get through!
Source: Metro UK