Woman Reunited With Lost Wedding Ring After 50 Years

A woman in northwestern Scotland has been reunited with her lost wedding band 50 years after losing it while gardening. Peggy MacSween was collecting potatoes decades ago when her gold wedding band slipped off her finger. She searched for her ring several times, but was never able to locate it. Believing there was “no way of finding it,” her husband later bought her a replacement.

Recently, MacSween was telling her neighbor, metal detectorist Donald MacPhee, about her lost ring. The neighbor decided to make finding the ring his mission. He set out to search the coastal meadow where the ring was lost. In the years since MacSween lost her ring, the area has become a popular hangout, so it was a challenge to deal with all the metal debris there, but after three days of searching, MacPhee found the ring.

After recovering the ring, MacPhee returned it to his neighbor and it still fit her perfectly. “He just came to the door and said: ‘I have something to show you.’ It was the ring,” recalls MacSween. “I couldn’t believe it, but there it was. I thought I would never see it again.” MacPhee says it’s his “best find” yet and that returning the ring to its owner was a “wee bit emotional.”

Source: Unilad

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