Park Ranger Carries Dehydrated Dog Down Rugged Mountain!

They say not all heroes wear capes and it turns out, some of them actually wear hiking boots. LexieDaniel recently found this out when she witnessed an act of kindness by a park ranger at a National Park. She and some fellow hikers were on the mountainous trails at the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area when they came across a man whose dog was severely overheated.

The group gave their water, but it wasn’t enough and the dog was really struggling in the 90-degree heat, so the owner called for help. Supervisory Park Ranger Kris Salapek soon found them and lifted the huge dog over his shoulders and carried him down the mountain. Lexie says it was miles down a rocky path that took about an hour, but they made it. The dog was rushed to the vet and has since made a full recovery and Lexie shared the story on Facebook to thank Ranger Salapek for his good deed.

“This is a HERO,” she writes. “This ranger deserves insane recognition and a standing ovation for his bravery, selflessness, and strength.”

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