Debate Rages Over How To Fold Towels Correctly

While the concept of folding the laundry doesn’t really seem that difficult, apparently when it comes to towels, folks have definite opinions on the right and wrong way to do it, and it’s caused a huge debate on the Internet.

The debate started when an Australian woman asked the Home Decorating Mums Facebook group, “how do you fold towels?” showing two common techniques. Option A involves folding them in half to form a large flat rectangle, while Option be has folks folding them towards the center to create a higher, thinner rectangle, which looks like it’s been “rolled.”

·Well, the post quickly went viral, with more than 4,100 comments, some of whom suggested a third way, simply rolling them.

·“[Option] B is the only way!' one woman said, while another added, “B for storage, A for guests.”

·Meanwhile another added, “'God save anyone who folds like A in my house.”

·Many suggested the folding technique would depend on a variety of factors, like closet space, or towel size.

·“Depends on the size of the towel,” one person shared. “I do A and B but for the larger towels I kind of roll them but they are still flat.”

·And then there were the ones who didn’t like either option. As one person noted, “Neither! I roll them - looks much neater.”

Source: Daily Mail

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