Dad Battling Cancer Escorts Daughter As She's crowned Homecoming Queen

Photo: Cavan Images / Cavan / Getty Images

At the recent homecoming game at Southside High School near Selma, Alabama, 47-year-old Brett Yancey, put aside his battle with esophageal cancer to walk alongside his 17-year-old daughter SaraKate as she was crowned homecoming queen. Brett’s wife, Carrie Yancey, looked on from the stands praying that he’d be able to make it across the field.

Brett’s condition recently took a turn for the worse and acts as simple as walking around the house have become challenging. So when the opportunity to escort his daughter onto the field for homecoming arose, Carrie suggested he could get a ride in a golf cart. But Brett wouldn’t hear it. “I don't need a golf cart,” the proud dad insisted, “I'm going to walk my baby to the opposite sideline."

The touching moment left hardly a dry eye in the stadium and Carrie believes it's a memory they’ll cherish forever. She hopes that their three daughters will remember their father when he’s gone for his legacy of “hope, courage, strength, and faith.”

Source: PEOPLE

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