Just when AI couldn’t get any scarier…it can now read your mind. Researchers at the University of Texas Austin have successfully created an artificial intelligence system that “can translate a person’s brain activity” into actual language. This non-invasive procedure uses an fMRI scanner with a decoder to transcribe a person’s thoughts. First, the test subject listens to hours of podcasts inside the scanner. Then they think up a story in their imagination. Then, they’re shown silent video clips. This “allows the machine to generate corresponding text from brain activity alone.”
All in all, AI got the person’s thoughts right about half the time and researchers say, “We’re getting the model to decode continuous language for extended periods of time with complicated ideas.” Though they have high hopes for using this tech on stroke victims, researchers admit this technology could be very dangerous if it fell into the hands of those with malicious intent. For now, we’re probably better off keeping our thoughts to ourselves!
Source: NY Post