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A Connecticut woman on a road construction crew is dancing on the job, bringing smiles to passing drivers. Dolly Torres has been working for Stop & Go Traffic Control for three years. About six month into her job as a road construction flagger, she decided to start dancing while she works to help distract her from the heat. Now she’s become a recognizable figure in Connecticut highway work zones and is having a positive impact.
“Originally I started dancing because it was like 100-degree weather for four days straight with not a single glimpse of shade or breeze, so I created my own,” Dolly says. She’s become known as “Dancing Dolly,” and drivers who’ve seen her doing her thing on the roadside say her positive attitude is infectious. “I just started dancing with her when I saw her,” says driver Aaron Collie of Brookfield. “It just boosted my mood.”
Dolly claims that her two daughters motivate her to stay positive despite the bumps in the road of life. “I got two girls. Making sure they get the best education, making sure I can get a house for my kids instead of an apartment, showing that my hard work pays off,” she says are her reasons to just keep on dancing.
Source: WTNH